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Member Since: 24 November, 2021
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Unleashing the Power of Project Loom: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Java Concurrency Model

posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 765 days, 7 hours, 3 minutes ago
Thursday, January 5, 2023 12:20:48 PM GMT
Project Loom is a new Java concurrency model that aims to improve the scalability and performance of Java applications by introducing lightweight threads called fibers. These fibers are created using continuations, which are a way to capture the state of a method and its call stack, allowing the method to be resumed at a later point in time.One of the main benefits of fibers is that they are much lighter than traditional threads and can be created and scheduled more efficiently by the JVM. This allows ap... (more)
category: Java | clicked: 3 | comment | | source:
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Apex Programming Tutorial for Beginners : Data Types, Variables and Constants

published 1136 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 1144 days, 5 hours, 29 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 8:14:08 PM GMT Wednesday, December 22, 2021 1:54:45 PM GMT
In this video presentation, Deepika Khanna teaches you how to program in Salesforce using Apex, the Salesforce back-end programming languages, by introducing you to the various Apex Data Types, Variables, and Constants. (more)
category: Salesforce | clicked: 1 | comment | | source:
tags: Apex, Video
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Flutter Basic Training - 12 Minute Bootcamp - YouTube

published 1136 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes ago posted by amindhudiamindhudi 1137 days, 20 hours, 25 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 8:14:08 PM GMT Tuesday, December 28, 2021 10:58:58 PM GMT
In this video presentation, Fireship teaches you how to start programming in flutter in 12 minutes to give you all basic overview of flutter application. This introductory level video make you to be able to start to build your own cross platform mobile appl. After visiting this story, if you enjoyed it, please show the author some love by coming back and clicking Like button and leaving a comment. (more)
category: Python | clicked: 0 | comment | | source:
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Mastering Angular: A Comprehensive Guide to Setup, Tooling, and Deployment

posted by amindhudiamindhudi 759 days, 19 hours, 24 minutes ago
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 12:00:00 AM GMT
This video is a comprehensive course on the Angular framework. It covers a wide range of topics from setting up the development environment and tooling, to creating new projects and configuring them, to building and deploying Angular applications.It starts with an introduction to the course, and then dives into the specifics of setting up and tooling, including the Angular CLI, which is a command-line interface for creating Angular projects, generating components, and performing other development tasks. ... (more)
category: JavaScript | clicked: 1 | comment | | source:
tags: Angular, JavaScript
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Flutter Payment App from Scratch for IOS and Android

published 823 days, 5 hours, 18 minutes ago posted by amindhudiamindhudi 1137 days, 18 hours, 51 minutes ago
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 2:05:53 PM GMT Wednesday, December 29, 2021 12:32:16 AM GMT
In this video presentation. He teaches flutter mobile app development from basic to advance. The way of his teaching is outstanding, he covers all topics and scenarios which are needed to develop a modern and featured Payment App using flutter framework which is developed and maintained by google. Flutter community is growing rapidly across the world. In this video presentation. He teaches flutter mobile app development from basic to advance. The way of his teaching is outstanding, he covers all topics a... (more)
category: Other | clicked: 31 | comment | | source:
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How to write a program number guessing game in PHP?

posted by katepro77katepro77 838 days, 2 hours, 52 minutes ago
Monday, October 24, 2022 4:31:55 PM GMT
The rules of this guessing game are very simple: The computer generates a random number from 1 to 50 The user has 7 attempts to guess a number After each step computer says if the number is low, or high or Congrats if the number is equal. How can I do that with PHP? (more)
category: PHP | clicked: 2 | comment | | source:
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Best Q&A Sites for Coding & Programming Questions in 2022

posted by katepro77katepro77 838 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes ago
Monday, October 24, 2022 4:36:46 PM GMT
Top Rated Q&A Sites for Coding Questions in 2022. Programmers can ask questions in a lot of different places. Most people are very familiar with Stack Overflow since it's one of the better-known sites for programmers, but if you're coming from a country where you don't have access to a computer all the time, then Coding Forums might be a better option for you. (more)
category: Other | clicked: 2 | comment | | source:
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Effortlessly Loop Through Elements in BeautifulSoup: A Beginner's Guide

posted by katepro77katepro77 837 days, 19 hours, 58 minutes ago
Monday, October 24, 2022 11:26:05 PM GMT
This blog post explains how to use the BeautifulSoup library in Python to loop through elements in an HTML document. BeautifulSoup is a popular third-party library that provides a simple and powerful way to parse and navigate HTML and XML documents.The post begins by explaining how to install BeautifulSoup and then goes on to demonstrate how to use it to parse an HTML document stored in a string. It then shows how to use the find_all() method to locate all the elements in the document with a particular t... (more)
category: Python | clicked: 2 | comment | | source: