Name: katepro77
Score: 35
Last Seen: 709 days, 17 hours, 42 minutes ago
Member Since: 24 October, 2022
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Effortlessly Loop Through Elements in BeautifulSoup: A Beginner's Guide

posted by katepro77katepro77 709 days, 19 hours, 43 minutes ago
Monday, October 24, 2022 11:26:05 PM GMT
This blog post explains how to use the BeautifulSoup library in Python to loop through elements in an HTML document. BeautifulSoup is a popular third-party library that provides a simple and powerful way to parse and navigate HTML and XML documents.The post begins by explaining how to install BeautifulSoup and then goes on to demonstrate how to use it to parse an HTML document stored in a string. It then shows how to use the find_all() method to locate all the elements in the document with a particular t... (more)
category: Python | clicked: 2 | comment | | source: devhubby.com
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Best Q&A Sites for Coding & Programming Questions in 2022

posted by katepro77katepro77 710 days, 2 hours, 33 minutes ago
Monday, October 24, 2022 4:36:46 PM GMT
Top Rated Q&A Sites for Coding Questions in 2022. Programmers can ask questions in a lot of different places. Most people are very familiar with Stack Overflow since it's one of the better-known sites for programmers, but if you're coming from a country where you don't have access to a computer all the time, then Coding Forums might be a better option for you. (more)
category: Other | clicked: 2 | comment | | source: elvanco.com
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How to write a program number guessing game in PHP?

posted by katepro77katepro77 710 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes ago
Monday, October 24, 2022 4:31:55 PM GMT
The rules of this guessing game are very simple: The computer generates a random number from 1 to 50 The user has 7 attempts to guess a number After each step computer says if the number is low, or high or Congrats if the number is equal. How can I do that with PHP? (more)
category: PHP | clicked: 2 | comment | | source: devhubby.com