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Mastering Storage Duration: A Guide to Efficient Memory Management in C++

published 689 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 690 days, 34 minutes ago
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:29:24 PM GMT Tuesday, March 21, 2023 7:41:59 PM GMT
The storage duration of a variable in C++ refers to how long the variable remains in existence during program execution. The duration of a variable can be classified as static, automatic, or dynamic. Static storage duration means that the variable is created when the program starts and is destroyed when the program ends. A variable with static storage duration is often used to store data that needs to persist across function calls, such as a counter in a loop. The storage for these variables is allocate... (more)
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Operator Overloading in C++: When to Do It and When to Avoid It

published 689 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 690 days, 25 minutes ago
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:29:24 PM GMT Tuesday, March 21, 2023 7:50:58 PM GMT
The blog titled "Only Overloading Operators in C++" discusses the concept of operator overloading in the C++ programming language. The author emphasizes that operator overloading is a powerful feature that allows the programmer to define new behaviors for existing operators. However, the author also cautions that operator overloading should be used judiciously and only when it makes sense to do so. The blog begins by defining operator overloading and explaining why it is useful. Operators in C++ are sym... (more)
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Unleashing the Power of Lambda Expressions in C++

published 689 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 690 days, 19 minutes ago
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:29:24 PM GMT Tuesday, March 21, 2023 7:57:28 PM GMT
The blog titled "Lambda expressions in C++" on Microsoft's website provides an overview of the lambda expression feature in C++, its syntax, and usage. The article begins by introducing lambda expressions as a way to define anonymous functions within C++ code. It then highlights the benefits of using lambda expressions, such as avoiding the need to define separate named functions and reducing code complexity. The article goes on to explain the syntax of lambda expressions, which is denoted by the "[]" ... (more)
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Unlock the Power of C++ Polymorphism: Creating Flexible and Reusable Code

published 689 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 695 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:29:24 PM GMT Thursday, March 16, 2023 6:04:11 PM GMT
The blog post on titled "C++ Polymorphism" explains the concept of polymorphism in C++, a popular object-oriented programming language. The post aims to provide an easy-to-understand explanation of polymorphism, how it works in C++, and how it can be implemented in code. The post begins by defining polymorphism as the ability of objects to take on many forms. This means that an object can have multiple behaviors or methods depending on the context in which it is used. For example, a person... (more)
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Mastering C++ Foreach Loops: Simplify Your Code and Boost Readability

published 689 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 695 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes ago
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:29:24 PM GMT Thursday, March 16, 2023 5:58:51 PM GMT
The blog titled "Foreach Loop in C++" published on DigitalOcean's community platform, introduces readers to the concept of a foreach loop in C++, and provides a detailed explanation of its syntax and usage. The article begins by highlighting the limitations of traditional for loops in C++ and how they can be inconvenient when working with arrays or other data structures. This is where foreach loops come in handy, as they offer a simplified and more readable way to traverse arrays and containers. Next, ... (more)
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Mastering Insertion in Singly Linked Lists with C++ Programming

published 689 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 695 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes ago
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:29:24 PM GMT Thursday, March 16, 2023 5:56:44 PM GMT
The blog titled "Insertion in Singly Linked List" explains the process of inserting a new node into a singly linked list using C++ programming language. The blog starts by giving a brief introduction to linked lists and its types, followed by the structure of a singly linked list, which consists of a head pointer pointing to the first node of the list, and each node containing two parts- data and a next pointer pointing to the next node. Next, the blog explains the three types of insertion in a singly ... (more)
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Dynamic Programming Demystified: A Comprehensive Tutorial in C++

published 735 days, 6 hours, 48 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 739 days, 10 hours, 34 minutes ago
Saturday, February 4, 2023 1:28:43 PM GMT Tuesday, January 31, 2023 9:42:42 AM GMT
The blog post "A Tutorial on Dynamic Programming in C++" provides an introduction to dynamic programming, a powerful technique used in computer science to solve problems by breaking them down into smaller sub-problems and storing their solutions to avoid redundant computations. The post starts by explaining the basic concept of dynamic programming, which is to solve problems by breaking them down into smaller sub-problems and storing their solutions to avoid redundant computations. The post then goes on... (more)
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Dive into the World of C++ Vectors: A Comprehensive Guide

published 736 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 746 days, 1 hour, 24 minutes ago
Friday, February 3, 2023 1:59:48 PM GMT Tuesday, January 24, 2023 6:52:36 PM GMT
This blog post is an introduction to the vector container in C++ programming. It starts by explaining what a vector is and how it differs from other container types, such as arrays and lists. The article then goes on to show examples of how to use vectors in practice, including how to create a vector, how to add and remove elements from a vector, and how to access elements in a vector using iterators. The post also covers some of the more advanced features of vectors in C++, such as working with vector ... (more)
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Unlocking C++ Power: Understanding and Utilizing Storage Classes

published 738 days, 4 hours, 57 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 747 days, 4 hours, 36 minutes ago
Wednesday, February 1, 2023 3:19:08 PM GMT Monday, January 23, 2023 3:40:09 PM GMT
The blog post is discussing the concept of storage classes in C++ and their usage in the programming language. The post starts by explaining what storage classes are and how they control the lifetime and scope of variables in C++. A storage class defines the location and duration of the variables, which in turn affects the accessibility of the variables in the program. The post then goes on to describe the four storage classes in C++: automatic, static, register and external. The automatic storage class... (more)
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Dynamic Memory Management in C++: Allocate, Reallocate and Deallocate Memory like a Pro

published 740 days, 7 hours, 36 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 749 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes ago
Monday, January 30, 2023 12:40:24 PM GMT Saturday, January 21, 2023 2:25:44 PM GMT
The blog post on "Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++" explains how to allocate and deallocate memory dynamically in C++. Dynamic memory allocation is a feature in C++ that allows for the creation of variables and arrays whose size is not known until runtime. This is in contrast to static memory allocation, where the size of variables and arrays is fixed at compile-time. The post begins by introducing the concept of memory allocation in C++ and explaining the difference between static and dynamic memory al... (more)
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Unlocking the Power of Templates in C++: A Beginner's Guide to Generic Programming

published 740 days, 7 hours, 36 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 749 days, 6 hours, 2 minutes ago
Monday, January 30, 2023 12:40:24 PM GMT Saturday, January 21, 2023 2:14:30 PM GMT
The blog post on "Templates in C++" explains how templates can be used in C++ to create generic functions and classes. Templates are a powerful feature in C++ that allow for the creation of code that can work with multiple data types without the need for explicit type casting or overloading. The post begins by explaining how to create a simple template function, which can take any type of data as an argument and perform the same operation on it. It then goes on to explain how to create a template class,... (more)
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Master the Art of Recursion: A Beginner's Guide to C++

published 747 days, 5 hours, 1 minute ago posted by DhruvDhruv 753 days, 2 hours, 26 minutes ago
Monday, January 23, 2023 3:15:23 PM GMT Tuesday, January 17, 2023 5:50:33 PM GMT
The blog post on the website provides an introduction to the concept of recursion in the programming language C++. Recursion is a technique in which a function calls itself in order to solve a problem. It is an important concept in computer science and is used to simplify complex problems. The blog post explains that recursion is used when a problem can be broken down into smaller, similar problems. It provides an example of the factorial function, which is often used as a basic example ... (more)
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