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Mastering Insertion in Singly Linked Lists with C++ Programming

published 667 days, 17 hours, 6 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 673 days, 17 hours, 39 minutes ago
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:29:24 PM GMT Thursday, March 16, 2023 5:56:44 PM GMT

The blog titled "Insertion in Singly Linked List" explains the process of inserting a new node into a singly linked list using C++ programming language.

The blog starts by giving a brief introduction to linked lists and its types, followed by the structure of a singly linked list, which consists of a head pointer pointing to the first node of the list, and each node containing two parts- data and a next pointer pointing to the next node.

Next, the blog explains the three types of insertion in a singly linked list - insertion at the beginning, insertion at the end, and insertion at a specific position. For each type of insertion, the blog provides the step-by-step process along with the C++ code.

To insert a node at the beginning of a singly linked list, the blog explains that we need to create a new node and make it the head node. This is done by setting the next pointer of the new node to the current head and making the new node the head.

The blog then explains the process of inserting a node at the end of the singly linked list, which involves creating a new node, traversing the list till the end, and then making the next pointer of the last node point to the new node.

Finally, the blog explains the process of inserting a node at a specific position in the singly linked list, which involves traversing the list till the desired position, creating a new node, and setting the next pointer of the previous node to the new node, and the next pointer of the new node to the next node.

The blog also provides the C++ code for each type of insertion along with a sample output to help readers understand the concept better.

In addition, the blog also explains some important concepts related to linked lists such as dynamic memory allocation, memory leak, and garbage collection.

The blog concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding the concept of linked lists and its implementation using C++ programming language. It also encourages readers to practice the code and experiment with different scenarios to gain a deeper understanding of the topic.

In conclusion, the blog provides a clear and concise explanation of insertion in singly linked lists using C++ programming language. It is well-structured and easy to follow, making it an excellent resource for beginners who want to learn about linked lists and its implementation in C++.

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