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Java Annotations

published 468 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 475 days, 11 hours, 49 minutes ago
Saturday, February 4, 2023 1:28:43 PM GMT Saturday, January 28, 2023 5:19:25 PM GMT

The blog post explains what annotations are in Java and how they are used. It starts by describing what annotations are and how they differ from comments and other forms of metadata. Annotation is a way to provide metadata to java classes, methods and fields. It is a way to provide additional information about the code, and it is not visible at runtime.

The post goes on to explain the different types of annotations in Java, such as built-in annotations and custom annotations. Built-in annotations are provided by the Java language and include annotations such as @Override and @Deprecated. Custom annotations are created by the developer and can be used to provide additional information about the code.

The post also provides examples of how to use annotations in Java, including how to create custom annotations and how to use them in code. It explains how to use annotations to provide additional information about methods, classes, and fields, such as providing information about the author of the code or the version of the code.

Additionally, the post explains how annotations are processed by the Java compiler and how they can be used by other tools, such as code generators and testing frameworks. It also goes over the reflection API, which can be used to access annotations at runtime.

The blog post concludes by summarizing the different types of annotations in Java, how they are used and processed, and how they can be used to provide additional information about the code.

In summary, the blog post explains what annotations are in Java and how they are used. It describes the different types of annotations in Java, such as built-in annotations and custom annotations, and provides examples of how to use annotations in code. It also explains how annotations are processed by the Java compiler and how they can be used by other tools and the reflection API to access annotations at runtime. Annotations are an important way to provide metadata to java classes, methods and fields and are not visible at runtime.

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category: Java | clicked: 0 | | source: jenkov.com | show counter code

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